Monday, July 22, 2013

She's not dead yet!

So I posted my first post. Not so scary.
That was easy.
Now the second.....well that's a different story.

Recently I was looking at an old journal and came across a line I had written in 2009. It was at a time when I was struggling with things –  perhaps a little depressed or anxious * and I had written

“I’m still not sure what my passion is,
                                    what my calling is,        
                                                what excites me,
                                                            what makes me get up in the morning….
But I am certainly on a journey and will fan into flame the flickering ember – I'm not dead yet”

I kind of laughed at the last bit. There must have been a flicker of hope... And since then I have worked to get better mentally, physically and spiritually with the help of family, friends, professionals and my faith in God.    

Part of that journey is writing this blog where I hope to encourage people by sharing about the reality of our lives. It’s the “real’ and the simple that makes our lives rich.

Today's Circuit Breaker - Coffee with hubby across the road from this
When I am frazzled and frumpy I can stay in that place for quite awhile. A wise young woman I know recently encouraged me to find my "Circuit Breakers"  - the things I like doing that would take me out of that place or mood or just give me the rest I needed. So I came home and grabbed a piece of paper and using textas wrote a fancy list of things I would/could do.

So for the scrappers and stampers and arty ones out there this could be a double circuit breaker for you - making a beautiful art piece of things you like doing that give you peace or a laugh or a well needed rest.

Today, hubby and I went to the coast (about 7 minutes drive from where we live in Perth) to have a coffee. A double bonus was bumping in to a dear friend of ours and chatting with her whilst looking at this view across the road. We also fit a walk in before heading home.

This made such a difference in my day.

I encourage you to make a list of "circuit breakers" in the most creative way possible and then pick one when you need a pick-me-up.

Some of mine to get you started.... a walk along the beach, coffee with a friend, read, a bath, buy a punnet of strawberries just for me, op shopping, buy a little gift for someone etc. etc. etc.

Id love to hear how you go.

*I had been in denial for a long time and once I started talking to friends realized that many people were struggling with some element of depression or anxiety. We have to talk about this stuff more so that people don’t feel so alienated, isolated or alone.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

To blog or not to blog

To blog or not to blog.....

I posed this question to friends when our family was about to embark on a trip to Europe earlier this year. A travel blog for 6 weeks was less threatening than a regular blog. It was fun to write about our travels and it gave me a taste for writing for an audience other than the pages in my journal and the odd letter to a relative. I had set up a blogger account late 2010 but just couldn't seem to get my thoughts down. Maybe i was nervous about going public.

So we have been back for 5 or so weeks and now is the time to jump in.

I told myself that now was the time to do something; to find my passion again, to find my thing, to explore new things, to ponder out loud, to encourage, to write.

This season of my life is bringing many changes as my children launch into their own lives. Our youngest is 16 and after many years of home schooling she is of to do her own studies. Her orientation was today so I thought it fitting to start this blog today.

Oil painting - A Girl Writing; The Pet Goldfinch
Girl Writing(1874) - Henriette Brown (1829-1901)

As a child I loved to write. I wrote stories. I wrote to pen pals all over the world making 2 or 3 rough copies before I rewrote the final good copy. As a teen I started keeping journals. Today I keep a variety of journals on the go. I write what I am thankful for, or a quote I like, a line from a book or something a child did to annoy me or delight me. But this is always for my eyes only.

Today I write for anyone to read. That is scary and exciting and full of potential.